Hello I'm

Himanshu Chaurasia

About Me

Meet Himanshu Chaurasia -A Dynamic Web Developer with a Passion for Excellence!

Greetings! I am Himanshu Chaurasia, a highly motivated and skilled B.Tech graduate in Computer Science Engineering from Shri Krishna University Chhatarpur. I take immense pride in my expertise and love for web development, with a diverse skill set that sets me apart from the crowd.

Skills that Drive My Success:

🌐 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Bulma: I create captivating and responsive front-end designs that leave a lasting impression on users, ensuring seamless interactions and a delightful user experience.

💡 JavaScript (JS): My flair for JS allows me to bring life to websites, adding interactivity and dynamic features that enhance functionality and engagement.

📱 Flutter: As a forward-thinking developer, I've ventured into mobile app development with Flutter, empowering me to craft cross-platform apps that captivate audiences on the go.

🐍 Python & Django: My proficiency in Python and Django enables me to build powerful back-end applications, handling data and logic with precision and security.

Internship Experience at Alphawizz Technology Pvt Ltd:

During my enriching internship at Alphawizz Technology Pvt Ltd, I immersed myself in diverse projects, honing my technical abilities and learning the art of effective team collaboration. I mastered the art of project management, ensuring seamless communication to fulfill project requirements and deliver exceptional results.

Dual Role - Front-end and Back-end Developer:

As a front-end developer, I combine artistic creativity with technical prowess to craft visually appealing interfaces. Meanwhile, my back-end development expertise allows me to build robust and scalable server-side applications.

Passion for Continuous Learning:

I am a lifelong learner, always eager to explore the latest technologies and industry trends. My dedication to self-improvement drives me to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring I deliver cutting-edge solutions for every project.

I am open to collaboration, always ready to embark on new challenges, and ever eager to make a positive impact through my work. Let's connect, innovate, and create together!

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My Certificates

Latest Project

CRUD Php Project

This is a CRUD PHP project.

Contact Me

Have questions, ideas, or exciting opportunities to discuss? I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out and let's connect. As a skilled front-end and back-end developer with a passion for excellence, I am always open to collaboration and new challenges.